Student Teaching
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I really need some advice. Or maybe I just need to type this out loud. I am entering week 4 of Student Teaching. It has been overwhelming, exhausting, interesting and more. It has not been horrible, even tho I feel lost most of the time and 99% of the time I am utterly unsure of myself. Mostly, what I have realized is that teaching will not be the 'saving grace' I thought it would be. It would be my 2nd career, and I thought that changing my path to teaching was exactly what I wanted. Now, after spending the last 3 weeks in a classroom - I am not sure I want to be a teacher. I feel like I have wasted my time by going back to school and spending a LOT of money to follow a career path that now I am not even sure I want. I do not want to become a teacher just "because". More than anything, I don't want to be a teacher just because it's what I studied, and not have the passion for it. Kids deserve more than that. So now what?? The humiliation of dropping out of my program is hard enough, b...See More
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Miss_Texas I forgot to tell you, it took me 12 1/2 long years to earn my BSIS because I was married to a military spouse. I graduated on a Friday, got my first teaching job that following Monday and started on 1st MS degree. I worked all day learning my teaching job, finished the 1st MS degree in 18 mos and started my 2nd one. This time as a single mom/workin...See More
Feb 4, 2010
Cecy Saucedo I FEEL THE SAME WAY!! it was good to read everyone's advice...made me feel better eventhough it wasn't for me lol...i'm on my fifth week, on my first assignment...and i can't wait for week eight! I get home and feel so stressed out and overwhelemed that i start crying... i really do want to be a teacher but i've always liked primary grades and they...See More
Feb 24, 2010
NC I so totally understand what you are going through. I am back and forth about quitting too, but I will not quit. I may never teach in a classroom but that is ok. I am so over these feelings about myself and my capabilities. I have busted out in tears to my CT, in front of my US. Still I feel totally unprepared. Should I go talk to my University? Pr...See More
Mar 4, 2010
NC God, thing same thing here. I am an older student returning to school and feel as if this student teaching portion is going to drive me crazy. My CT did the same thing. I wanted K-3 and am in 5th. There was a reason I switched from middle grades back down to elementary. The kids are great, but coming in 2nd semester and not know the curriculum (how...See More
Mar 4, 2010
Mara I am currently in the same boat many of you were last year: experiencing a student teaching nightmare and contemplating dropping out after many years of work and much money spent on tuition. I was wondering if any of you still felt the same way about teaching? Was it different than student teaching?

Thank you!

On 3/04/10, NC wrote...See More
Feb 20, 2012

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