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My foster daughter is in the fourth grade and she just switched schools to our town, which does Everyday math. She is having a lot of trouble multiplying problems with double digit numbers (450 x 56 for example). She's only been in our schools for two days, but she's frustrated. Can someone explain the steps the program uses?
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indianateacher Teach her the right way to multiply yourself. This Everyday math matrix method is a joke and a complete wait of time. As a 6th grade teacher who gets 5th graders learning this method, they are completely lost by the time they get to me and have no number sense.

On 1/21/09, 2 cents wrote: > My foster daughter is in the fourth grade and s...See More
Jan 24, 2009
Amanda Think of multiplying a multi-digit problem as the process of performing two operations: multiplication and addition.

One way to do it, is to take turns multiplying and adding. Another way to do it, is to do all of the multiplication first and then do all of the adding.

For efficiency, programmers like to have computers use the sam...See More
Jan 25, 2009
marilyn burns multplication unit is wonderful On 1/24/09, indianateacher wrote: > Teach her the right way to multiply yourself. This Everyday > math matrix method is a joke and a complete wait of time. As a > 6th grade teacher who gets 5th graders learning this method, > they are completely lost by the time they get to me and have > no number sense. > > On 1/21/09, 2 cents...See More
Jan 25, 2009
iunstudent although the "Everyday" technique may be a waste of time, the student should know how to do it. students should have different approaches to problems available to them.

mom, call the teacher and ask her what the exact steps to this unique technique are. there is no harm in your daughter learning more than one way to slove a problem.
...See More
Jan 27, 2009
MichNJ4 I teach 4th grade using Everyday Math. I love the methods for multiplication. Students MUST have a good grasp of place value to do it. They introduce it as wrestling. How I get the student to understand is like this... 450 * 56 450 can be broken down into 3 team players 400+50+0 and 56 into two players 50+6 Each player must wrestle (multiply each o...See More
Feb 6, 2009

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