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One of the teachers I really look up to has taught me the value of using art instead of disapline. How does that work? It works on the principle that childrens behaviour is a direct result of emotional energy. Using art to direct that energy into constructive and best of all fun expression is key to childrens emotion development.

I have been using this technique over the last 3 months and am truely amazed at the results. I am actually now planning on conducting out of school art hours so I can reach more children. I am really very inetersted in any other professionals who have had results in this area.

The best part of using these techniques is I am actually inspired again!
Leah I agree that unstructured art can be a window into a child's mind. Also, reading and listening to a child helps enhance emotional and social development.

See the following sample pages from interactive books if you are interested.
Nov 26, 2008

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