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I'm truly confused about centers. My teammates would like
to start using more literacy centers this year, but each
has their own idea about how to do it. I'm sure there is
no one "right way," but what I'm confused about most is
the role of the teacher and student. Do most teachers
allow students to utilize centers during guided reading?
Do the students all need to do the same center? I guess
my concern is that I'm not sure what I have in mind is
anything more than busy work. :(
Veronica /blockquote>

On 9/02/06, Lisa/IL/5th wrote:
> I'm truly confused about centers. My teammates would like
> to start using more literacy centers this year, but each
> has their own idea about how to do it. I'm sure there is
> no one "right way," but what I'm confused about most is
> the role of the teach...See More
Sep 4, 2006
mary /blockquote>

i am also very confused!!!!!!!what is a center??

On 9/04/06, Veronica wrote:
> On 9/02/06, Lisa/IL/5th wrote:
>> I'm truly confused about centers. My teammates would like
>> to start using more literacy centers this year, but each
>> has their own idea about how to do it. I'm su...See More
Sep 26, 2006

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