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Leaning Tower of Pisa**
Hillol Ray

The famed Tower of Pisa has breached the threshold,
Tilting into a danger zone-
While an unforeseen event could cause the topple,
And set the demise tone!
A strong wind can blow it over, or even an Earth tremor
Could cause the crash-
Unless we pay the attention now to save this marvel
Before it becomes a trash!

The laws of Physics and Gravity need to be re-examined
To prevent it from the fall-
And the residents of this medieval city, shrugging off the
Need the wake-up call!
The danger is real now, and the margin of safety
Is extremely low-
While the area beneath the tower is on a shaky ground,
Affected by the ground water flow!

This Renaissance masterpiece has weathered over time
To become 830 years old-
And attracted millions of visitors
Who like to treasure it as bullion of gold!
This marvel of marble is a famous landmark...See More
helen /blockquote>

On 10/19/01, Hillol Ray wrote:
> Leaning Tower of Pisa**
> By
> Hillol Ray
> The famed Tower of Pisa has breached the threshold,
> Tilting into a danger zone-
> While an unforeseen event could cause the topple,
> And set the demise tone!
> A strong wind can blow it ...See More
Feb 2, 2005

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