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Tomorrow May Be Too Late
Hillol Ray

With the irony of global politics, waves of violence
Had swept the world in recent years-
And left millions of children displaced or orphaned,
And they do now live in fears!
The plight of these innocent children
Is awesome and cruelties seem to soar-
While their deaths from ailments or lack of
Medications are pushing the heaven’s door!

The world has been plagued by persistent conflict,
And the children are facing the tolls-
Irrespective of plans to improve child well being,
Nothing rattles the politicians’ souls!
Pressing issues of mortality, AIDS, exploitation
And poverty can’t be ignored any more-
And time has come now for the leaders to think,
Before it becomes the global eye sore!

Commitment to create a world for sustainable
Development is a crying need of the hour-
Based on the democracy, equality, and social justice,
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