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Our Ailing Planet: As It Matters
Hillol Ray

Environmental issues can no longer be regarded
As a luxury or afterthought-
Rather, they should be a central part of policy-making
That had already been fought!
Economic and social developments need to be integrated
To give ailing planet a chance-
While positive vision of long-term growth, equity,
And justice may be allowed to dance!

Despite the achievements, our ailing planet
Is still in need of intensive care-
And my visionary mind offers alone
The latest readings on her health to share!
Population growth, poverty, and pollution
Threaten the quests for sustainable Earth-
Followed by rapid urbanization and demands for water,
While we lose Nature’s mirth!

Rural poverty, consumption habits, land and energy
Continue to play a significant role-
And are placing intense pressures on
The ailing planet’s ability to withstand ...See More

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