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Drug Abuse: Essence of A Common Sense
Hillol Ray
Garland, Texas, U.S.A.
Web Site: [link removed]

Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking seem to be
So synonymous with many nations across the Earth-
And they are often a result of suppressed problems,
Or a symptom of a broader hazard, like an open hearth!
Societies of the developing and developed nations
Appear to take a perplexing attitude towards the drug abuse-
While in “Hillonomics”, the traffickers continue to make a
Via the trade channels and blow the customs’ fuse!

In spite of tight security and protectionism,
Drug abuse still exists, while dependence is on the rise-
And the effects move far beyond the abuser,
Causing harms to society-health and economy to demise!
In “H-Ray Vision”, this is becoming a social malaise
And at times, a veil of silence shrouds on this matter-
And the stigma with exclusi...See More

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