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17 Jan 2004 @ 04:22, by Al Jonas The Carousel of Life

The carousel of my life...... Like pages in a book.....
Memories that shine like gems..... When I take a look.

The carousel of our lifes..... Spinning fast and slow....
Speak somehow of times we've had.... And their afterglow.

CHOROUS: AND as we turn the page We is all we find.....
Shades and Hues of Love.... Some of Heart and some of Mind.

The carousel of life..... Ride it if you dare.... And round
and round you'll go.... On a Stallion or a Mare... Oh round
and round we'll go..... mongst the Pines and Mountain
Air.... Oh ....... round ...... and ....... round...... to
...... go...... To this Grand Earth........ what .....

(c) 2004

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