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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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We are seeking the help in publicizing our ability to
revolutionize school IT budgets and reduce CO2 emissions
by 1.2 tons for every 10 computers used within school labs.

Our proven technologies will:

Reduce computer acquisition cost by as much as 75%.

Provide greater computer access for students and teachers.

Reduce electricity consumption in the labs by 90%

Eliminate 3.5 tons of CO2. for every computer lab (30

Simplify computer management and maintenance saving many
hours lost due to computer downtime.

Provide new up-grades every 2 years as apposed to every 5

Blue Curl's goal for this year is to help eliminate 1000
tons of CO2 from schools throughout BC and at the same
time make computing a much better experience for all
involved. Our desire is to have the opportunity to show
how all schools can begin to GO GREEN ...See More

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