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We are now giving away paper from our manufacturing facility to churches, schools, scout troops, etc. Please email me if you are interested in picking up paper from our plant in Homer, LA.

The paper is in small to medium sized rolls of 50 to 500 feet. It is between 36" and 96" tall with most being approximately 48”. Depending on what we have run the week prior to your appointment, there might be up to 5 different weights of brown craft paper, 5 weights of white paper including wrapping type tissue, cardstock and poster board by the roll. Periodically we might also have some plastic, film, and fabric.

This is an unprecedented opportunity for your church or school to save lots of money on your budget for paper you would otherwise have to purchase for crafts projects, etc. What we are offering your school or church is an almost unlimited supply of paper to use for your organization.

Email me and I will email you back with my telephone number for further inf...See More

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