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“A REFUGEE CAMP IN THE HEART OF THE CITY” Doctors Without Borders Outdoor Exhibit Touring California

This fall, step into the lives of an estimated 42 million people worldwide who have fled their homes to seek refuge from war or conflict in places such as Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Iraq. A REFUGEE CAMP IN THE HEART OF THE CITY is an outdoor, interactive exhibit organized by Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) and made up of the actual materials that MSF uses in its medical humanitarian work around the world.

Guided by aid workers, students will explore real shelters; see how food is distributed; taste the high-energy biscuits distributed to combat malnutrition; learn how clean water and waste disposal are essential to survival; and understand basic health care and epidemic control in emergency settings. For more information on our 2008 California tour to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, and San Diego; for media coverage ...See More

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