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NEA Foundation Awards $1.34M to Close the Achievement Gaps

Pilots Show Improvements in Teaching and Learning that Support Continued Investment

Washington, DC — The NEA Foundation today announced that it will award $1,341,000 to three of its Closing the Achievement Gaps Initiative pilot sites, continuing its work to advance systemic efforts to increase academic achievement, especially for low income and minority students. The initiative sets five-year goals for each of the pilot sites and is building a body of knowledge about teaching and learning that will be shared with the reform and philanthropic sectors in the years ahead. In three districts with a high number of under-achieving poor and minority students (Hamilton County, TN; Milwaukee, WI; and Seattle, WA), the NEA Foundation is funding five-year, multi-million dollar, research-based, collaborative efforts to bring together school districts, teachers’ associations, parents, community leaders, and others, put...See More

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