Grant Writing
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Help. We need to find funds to complete a community library that we've been working on building for our small rural Kansas community. Piles of wet lumber are out in all the floods we've had this Spring. We've been working on this for the past three years & are so tired! We've tried many state & federal grants, but they all say something doesn't work out. Mainly now, since the library is partially built, there is not grant that fits that criteria. We need a simple way to raise the additional funds needed & maybe even hire some help to finish the project. The library has been built by all volunteer labor. We have professionals who donated their time - Englineer, Gen. Contractor, Plumber, Electrician,etc. Now everyone has "gone away" as they are all too tired. I am overwhelmed with this responsiblity. I've written many grants & made it into the second & third rounds only to be told, "You were our second choice" several times. Anyone with any ideas? THanks very much.

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