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Help me my fish keeps going belly up but she is trying very
hard not too. what do i do????
Ima Teacher /blockquote>

What kind of goldfish is it? The round-bodied ones are VERY
likely to get swim bladder issues because of their shape.
They'll tilt & float a lot. It can actually be fatal in some

Here's something that helps.

First, don't feed them for three or four days . . . even a
week will be OK...See More
Nov 3, 2006
Ima Teacher /blockquote>

What size tank is it in? Tank conditions can also aggravate
swim bladder. If you have a round-bodied fish, it should be
in a absolute MINIMUM of 10 gallons of water . . . that's just
for ONE fish.
Nov 3, 2006
Aimee /blockquote>

Try the pea trick-- feed him baby food peas on a toothpick. My bettas love it and
now, never become constipated.


On 11/03/06, Ima Teacher wrote:
> What size tank is it in? Tank conditions can also aggravate
> swim bladder. If you have a round-bodied fish, it should be
> in a ab...See More
Nov 6, 2006
wendy /blockquote>

On 11/03/06, Ima Teacher wrote:
> What kind of goldfish is it? The round-bodied ones are VERY
> likely to get swim bladder issues because of their shape.
> They'll tilt & float a lot. It can actually be fatal in some
> cases.
>I have had 2 goldfish since july 0f 07! Both were fine, but ...See More
Dec 27, 2007

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