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I started my Beta on (Erythromycin)but find it hard to feed
to him ,I managed to put a freeze dried blood worm mixed
with the Antibiotic a couple of times SO far just to
start ,I am still treating with Pimafix also untill
Sunday,He starts to look a little better and then goes down
hill again ,I just hope this Medication works for the
little guy ,I also have 3 other fish in my 10 gallon tank,1
Angel,1 Neon tetra and a Sword tail,they seem OK so far ,If
it Is Dropsy aparently its not contagious, if in fact it is
Dropsy ,90% sure it is dropsy ,And Gill Disease at the same
time,He really is fighting for his life at this point.
ladidadida... /blockquote>

On 11/09/06, Richard wrote:
> I started my Beta on (Erythromycin)but find it hard to
> to him ,I managed to put a freeze dried blood worm mixed
> with the Antibiotic a couple of times SO far just to
> start ,I am still treating with Pimafix also untill
> Sunday,He starts to look a...See More
Dec 6, 2006
ladidadida... /blockquote>

On 12/06/06, ladidadida... wrote:
> On 11/09/06, Richard wrote:
>> I started my Beta on (Erythromycin)but find it hard to
> feed
>> to him ,I managed to put a freeze dried blood worm mixed
>> with the Antibiotic a couple of times SO far just to
>> start ,I am still treat...See More
Dec 13, 2006

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