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Beta break yes ,just for a short while until I get over the
loss of Nemo ,I have three other fish's in the
tank ,Angel ,Neon tetra and a Sword tail ,and they are all
doing quite well.I might beef up the little Neon's and
maybe a couple more sword tail's too,after all ,they are
all friends .Do U think it's a good Idea to add four or
five newbies at the same time ? or maybe just two tops ?
Well ether way I'm going to take it slow ,all though I'm
tempted to go and get another Beta,think I'll just hold of
for a while until I can do some research on what goes
wrong.I really think that some of my real plants had some
thing to do with it as their was some of those black hairs
growing I couldn't get rid of those things ,Always fungus
on the leaves ,I finally got rid of the worse plant and the
tank is staying much cleaner ,And with Beta's any fungus
in the tank will have an detrimental effect on their
healt...See More

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