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I recently purchased four very healthy betas (they're in
those double tanks with the glass between them). One came
down with this horrible fuzzy fungus that's begun to cover
all of their bodies. I've put them all into completely
different bowls, changed the water, and put in "BettaFix"
with melaleuca (recommended by a pet store). The one who
first had it died, the second is NOT getting any better
and now another one has come down with it! What do I do?
These are absoluetely gorgeous bettas! The fourth one
doesn't have it yet, but I'm putting that stuff in its
water just in case. What else can I do??? Please Help!
Aimee /blockquote>

Sounds like columnaris. It's also called "body fungus" but is not a fungus-- it's
bacterial, which means you need to treat with antibiotics. Add aquarium salt as
well-- I'd use 1 teaspoon per gallon of water during treatment-- helps to attack
the bacteria and hopefully kill some disease off-- (normal is 1/2 teas...See More
Feb 12, 2007

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