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Has anyone used aims web for assessing reading and/or math
skills? I'm thiking about purchasing the tests for my
class, but don't know if it will be worth the money. The
web site is [link removed].
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Yvonne /blockquote>

I've been using Accelerated Reader for 4 years and am shopping
around for assessments that align with AIMS. I checked out
aimsweb and found it only assesses reading fluency.

What a disappointment.

On 5/07/06, l wrote:
> I use AIMSweb ([link removed].
Sep 27, 2007
l /blockquote>

You may want to double-check... it assesses reading,
comprehension, early literacy, early numeracy, math,
spelling, and written language, too.

On 9/18/05, jj wrote:
> Has anyone used aims web for assessing reading and/or math
> skills? I'm thiking about purchasing the tests for my
> cla...See More
May 18, 2008
JP /blockquote>

Has anyone tried Let's Go Learn's DORA? Diagnostic Online
Reading Assessment. It is also web-based and measures seven sub-
skills of reading! They also have a math assessment that is
great- basic math skills and pre-algebra. Their website is
[link removed].

On 9/27/07, Yvonne wrote:
> I've bee...See More
May 22, 2008
T. N. AIMSweb provides a comprehensive student assessment and data management system. As a school psychologist and supervisor, I've implemented it in two different districts. It worked well in both districts, but in one it transformed the decision making process about students. Previously, decisions were based on unreliable anecdotal data. After implemen...See More
Jul 1, 2008
Bridget Cassidy On 7/01/08, T. N. wrote: > AIMSweb provides a comprehensive student assessment and data > management system. As a school psychologist and supervisor, I've > implemented it in two different districts. It worked well in both > districts, but in one it transformed the decision making process > about students. Previously, decisions were ...See More
Jul 3, 2008

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