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I have an 8th grader who reads very well, but is almost a
non-writer. He says he doesn't even know how to start.
Today, I gave the class each their choice of a folder with
a picture inside--pictures are varied in each folder. He
selected the one he wanted, but was still sitting. I
hoped this would get him going since he had selected the
one he wanted. I helped (pretty much did it for him) him
prewrite with a web. Still, nothing...."I don't know how
to start it..." I gave him choices on ways the story
could go. "Do you want them to be playing or the dog
attacking him?" "I don't know," he replied. I said
that's the fun with this assignment---you get to make up
anything you want. He was so stressed and almost in
tears. I offered to start the story for him, but he
said, "...well, I Just won't know what to write then,
either." Last year, his teacher told me he was in tears
about this.
I have never e...See More
Coach /blockquote>

Ok, this is late, but I just found this site. Try "WriteFix"
on the internet. It has some very good strategies and lessons
available for your reluctant writers. I have begun using them
in the middle and high school; they work for all levels. Good
Dec 5, 2007

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