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Here's the scoop, I will try to keep it short.

I teach second grade. These kids had a rough year in first
grade; most are at a beginning first grade level this

I work in a school that uses Voyager Universal Literacy.
Even though we are suppose to teach reading groups of
struggling, emergent, and on-track readers, we are ONLY
suppose to do the lesson AS SCRIPTED in the teacher's
edition, which is written to the on-track readers.

I am suppose to do 30 minutes of reading intervention
every day in accordance with Voyager. I am suppose to
teach my strugglers at this time a lesson that is actually
on their level. I am suppose to keep this group small,
although 11 of my 21 children are struggling. I am also
suppose to teach TPRI interventions during this time, as
NONE of my 22 students passed the TPRI.

Here is the hard part: I have plenty of ways to help my
struggling rea...See More

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