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I teach a writing seminar class to (mostly) 9th graders.
It is a half year class, a requirement for graduation. It
is supposed to work on their writing skills, particularly
essay writing. In the past I have been lucky to get one
small group and another filled with honors students who
liked writing. This year I have 17 squirrely 9th graders
who aren't that interested in writing. There a few good
kids who are but the majority are not. Consequently, it
is nearly an impossible task to get them to quietly write
for an length of time.

I am getting some help with discipline from a behavioral
person at my school and hopefully that will help with that

***However, I think the class also needs more structure.
Anyone have ideas on how on a structure or routine? They
need lots of little activities... Also, ideas on where to
find some online-- like grammar or writing exercises? I
am swamped...See More

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