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My son is in the 3rd grade and really struggles with
reading and spelling. He can hear the sounds when someone
else says the sounds - his spelling is only a little off.
If he is to sound out the word himself then the spelling is
really off. He is embarrassed by his poor spelling and
will do things to get out of writing in front of others.
He will not read in front of others either. He has poor
letter-word identification and reading fluency. When
reading he often mixes words up such as saw/was,
here/her/there/where, no/on... I don't know how to help
him and it seems that he doesn't learn these things the way
the school is teaching him. Can anyone offer ways to help
him with these areas? What else can I do at home to help
lee /blockquote>

look on internet4classrooms.... lots of interactive
activities that can practice skills in the privacy of
home;go to lower grades K, 1st etc. Hope it helps.

On 11/03/05, Parent wrote:

> My son is in the 3rd grade and really struggles with
> reading and spelling. He can hear the sounds wh...See More
Nov 8, 2005
myrose /blockquote>

> On 11/03/05, Parent wrote:
>> My son is in the 3rd grade and really struggles with
>> reading and spelling. He can hear the sounds when someone
>> else says the sounds - his spelling is only a little off.
>> If he is to sound out the word himself then the spelling
&g...See More
Nov 9, 2005
Sheryl Nussbaum /blockquote>

On 11/08/05, lee wrote:
> look on internet4classrooms.... lots of interactive
> activities that can practice skills in the privacy of
> home;go to lower grades K, 1st etc. Hope it helps.
> On 11/03/05, Parent wrote:
>> My son is in the 3rd grade and really struggles wit...See More
Nov 13, 2005
Kathy /blockquote>

My son is also in the third grade and has simular problems he
does either A work or F work I am worried what can i do to keep
him focused and to help him? kathy
On 11/13/05, Sheryl Nussbaum wrote:
> On 11/08/05, lee wrote:
>> look on internet4classrooms.... lots of interactive
>> activ...See More
Jan 10, 2006

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