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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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Hello all,

I am a Spec Ed teacher that teaches High School in
Atlanta, GA. I am considering getting a Master's in
Reading. I saw that last year in my county they school
system had a lot of positions for Reading Coaches or
Literacy Coaches. I was wondering exactly what the
position entails and what is the difference in being a
Reading Specialist. Also does anyone know if there are a
lot of positions in Elementary for these positions?
Andreia /blockquote>

On 11/11/05, Andreia wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am a Spec Ed teacher that teaches High School in
> Atlanta, GA. I am considering getting a Master's in
> Reading. I saw that last year in my county they school
> system had a lot of positions for Reading Coaches or
> Literacy Coac...See More
Nov 11, 2005

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