Project Springboard
1 Members

Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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The Kindersite team have built an expertise in helping
educators disseminate their projects to local, national,
regional or global educators. Examples of existing and new
projects include:
1. ChiPs Best eLearning Practice (5 to 12 years) – Chips is
an EU funded project that is building a repository of Best
eLearning Practices for primary age children/schools.
2. eEuroInclusion – EU project that has built the primary
Internet portal for LWULT languages (Lingua).
3. Learning at Europe – Project of the Hypermedia Open
Centre, Milan, Politechnico di Milano. This is a project for
secondary students. It blends technology and traditional

In Europe we address European Union conferences on this

We can also help your project. Please contact Joel if you
wish to discuss the possibilities.

Teacher Chatboards


Subject Areas

Language Arts

Foreign Language