Project Springboard
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Dear Fellow Teachers,
My name is Gary W. Horton and I am
teaching Charcter Education this year at North Surry High
School in Western North Carolina. I would like to invite
teachers and their classes to particapate in a project that
I am setting up. The project is designed to let stduents
from around the world get involved in a project dealing
with chacacter. Our county requires that all 9th graders
either take an ROTC class or a Citizenship and Resposiblity
class which in fact is character education. All semester we
study the character traits of Courage,Good
Judgement ,Integrity, Kindess,Perservance, Respect,
Responsiblity, and Self Dicpline. I would like to set up a
dialog between my students and students from around the
world on these traits and what they mean. This could be
accomplished in a varitey of ways such as email, message
boards, video exchanges, blogs and many more. If you are
inter...See More

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