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I posted this in a thread below but realize that it may be
too buried.

I'm in Fayetteville and applying to the non-traditional
licensure program. My undergraduate degree was in
political science (with a minor in history, and I'm taking
the Arkansas history class this coming spring). I
practiced law for 15 years with a juris doctor from Cal-

Will I even have a shot at a secondary ed position in
social sciences, history, or English in NW Arkansas or am
I throwing good money after bad? I know the need in NW
Ark isn't as dramatic as in, say, the Delta, so are
alternative licensure folks a dime-a-dozen? I'd welcome
some insight.
Hmmm... /blockquote>

The NTLP program is a straight-forward process. You have to
find your own job, but you can apply to schools on the
strength of your work history and simply say that you intend
to apply to NTLP. I think the deadline to apply to NTLP is
late June, so there's plenty of time to interview. Take your
Praxis I (it c...See More
Mar 14, 2007
Cathy /blockquote>

On 3/14/07, Hmmm... wrote:
> Some school districts claim it is a policy not to hire
teachers who are alternatively certified, but if there is a
shortage in the area of certification, they will. You will
also have to take the Praxis III. I am a Praxis III assessor,
so can tell you that you need to be s...See More
Mar 21, 2007

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