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After teaching for two years, I have discovered that my local Sprouts can pay me almost as much as I make now and there is room for advancement. Society hates teachers in this generation. We are the scum of the earth and make pennies. My certificate will be tossed in May. No more evaluations and hours making lesson plans on my dime.
Kari You should be a writer - summed up nicely!

On 2/22/16, Kathy wrote: > After teaching for two years, I have discovered that my > local Sprouts can pay me almost as much as I make now and > there is room for advancement. Society hates teachers in > this generation. We are the scum of the earth and make > pennies. My certificat...See More
Feb 22, 2016
james16 I feel sad when I read posts like this. It is unfortunate that Western society values education so poorly. So many people are offered a free education and they waste the opportunity. To think there are many places in this world where people cannot get an education and here in North America who can do not properly take advantage of it.

To g...See More
Feb 24, 2016

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