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Hi all!

I just moved to San Diego County from Massachusetts with my certification in mild/moderate disabilities. My concern is that most job postings for jobs in special ed specific that I MUST have the EL Authorization as well as an added authorization in autism spectrum disorders. These were not available in Massachusetts (unless I acquired an addition degree in teaching ESL...) so they won't appear on my credential.

I know that California is desperate for special ed teachers and might hire me without these qualifications right off the bat, but I'm sure that varies by region. Should I apply to positions even if I don't have the required authorizations? Particularly in this area?

Any and all advice appreciated--Thanks so much!!
America77 I just got a job with a district in the Bay Area from out of state. I have sped mild/moderate like you but without EL or ASD. I applied to a lot of districts from out of state and didn't let the EL or ASD requirement stop me.

I have probably received a call from every district I applied to and was hired over the phone while I was still ou...See More
Jul 17, 2017

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