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My state has decided to undergo tremendous educational reform in order to close the achievement gap between poor, urban schools and wealthier suburbs. I think this is a great idea...


our governor has decided it is the fault of teachers for thsi gap, and to do away with tenure. He has also decided to lessen the requirements for out-of-state teachers to teach in the state, and to no longer require a Masters to teach (thereby saving districts money).

The pay system would no longer be based on seniority or education, but on evaluations. If you have good evals, you move up. If you get bad evals, you move down. Evals are based on test scores, parental and student input, and adminstrative input.

Here's the real kicker: If you get a non-renewal due to a poor eval, you no longer can have your teaching license and it is revoked. I have heard word that you may re-apply for it after a period of time, but you are not guaranteed to get it.

I m...See More
Math Teach Oh, am I with you, flutetoot!!

First of all, I wholeheartedly agree with you about politics leading to non-renewals.

I've seen great teachers lose their jobs (or denied tenure), to make room for a few who don't know their subject. (I'm taling about secondary ed).

And SINCE WHEN should one's certificate be tied to a Princi...See More
Mar 16, 2012
carol On 3/09/12, flutetoot wrote: > My state has decided to undergo tremendous educational > reform in order to close the achievement gap between poor, > urban schools and wealthier suburbs. I think this is a > great idea... > > HOWEVER - > > our governor has decided it is the fault of teachers for > thsi gap, and to do away w...See More
Mar 19, 2012
Carolyn I totally agree, Govener Malloy's SB 24 is all about covering CT dept. Getting the government out of our schools in crucial.

On 3/09/12, flutetoot wrote: > My state has decided to undergo tremendous educational > reform in order to close the achievement gap between poor, > urban schools and wealthier suburbs. I think this is a &g...See More
Mar 19, 2012
Bridgeport On 3/19/12, Carolyn wrote: > I totally agree, Govener Malloy's SB 24 is all about covering > CT dept. Getting the government out of our schools in crucial. > > On 3/09/12, flutetoot wrote: >> My state has decided to undergo tremendous educational >> reform in order to close the achievement gap between poor, >> urban sc...See More
Mar 24, 2012

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