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So I have been "chosen" for the TKES pilot. I am REALLY NOT happy about it but I suppose there's nothing I can do. I teach 8th gr. Social Studies. What does this mean for me? What do any of you know about TKES?
retired It means paperwork. Great stacks of onerous paperwork that can and will be used against you. Here's a link to a PAGE video about it.

[link removed]

Here's a link to the forms used.

[link removed]

Good luck. Are you close to retirement?

On 9/25/12, Georgia75 wrote: > So I have been "chosen" for the TKE...See More
Sep 25, 2012
Ed Wynn I saw that Keys monstrosity and hit the road. Retired!

On 9/25/12, retired wrote: > It means paperwork. Great stacks of onerous paperwork that can > and will be used against you. > Here's a link to a PAGE video about it. > > [link removed]?
Sep 25, 2012
Georgia75 That's exactly what I am afraid of...and unfortunately, no...I am nowhere close to retirement. I AM close to burn out. I LOVE my students, LOVE my subject, but stuff like this will be the end of me. Thank you for the links. I will watch the video as soon as I can. Is there any way for me to get out of being part of this "pilot"?

> > ...See More
Sep 26, 2012
Brenda My daughter teaches in a county that has used it for several years. (They piloted the program voluntarily in her district.) It is paper heavy, for sure, but I gather from her that the real burden falls on the administrators. Her school district eased into it, and she said that as they became more familiar with it they were neither terribly fond of ...See More
Sep 27, 2012

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