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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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I had a meeting at a school before openings were posted and everything went great. Jobs were posted and was contacted with a choice of times to interview. I chose one of the times and then told to wait until after break. When I heard from her again it was less than 24 hours notice and during the middle of the day. I told her I would be unable to come because of school and I did not feel it was ethical to ask for time off to interview in another system. In the mean time, we were told by a board member, that pressure was being put on Superintendent by prominent families. I feel that I was offered an interview at a time that I could not attend to satisfy, "we offered her an interview and she did not come." I just want the opportunity to interview and feel my experience, degree, and references will speak for themselves. What do I do?
TanInschool On 4/11/13, Wondering wrote: > I had a meeting at a school before openings were posted and > everything went great. Jobs were posted and was contacted > with a choice of times to interview. I chose one of the > times and then told to wait until after break. When I heard > from her again it was less than 24 hours notice and during >...See More
Apr 30, 2013
teachermom Are you kidding? What world do you live in? Are you looking to get a new, satisfying teaching position or trying to place blame?

Lets see. You need a job. The administrator(s) speak w you BEFORE job was posted, you knew you were going for the interview and were aghast when given 24 hours notice. Did you needed a week? A month? Lets live i...See More
May 3, 2013

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