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I have a masters degree and over 10 years of teaching experience. Once I finished my masters I vowed that I was done with degree programs, but fast foward to now, and here I am contemplating an Ed. S. So tell me, for those out there with an Ed.S. degree, was it worth it? I'd make more money, but then I think the extra money would be spent paying for my degree (in addition to my current student loan). Any advice, suggestions and thoughts? Thank you!
SBR I got my EdS, 6 years ago. It is only worth it in terms of the money. It will not help you in terms of advancement, and it won't help you in many other states as many other states look at you having 30+ credits over your master's degree to get the top salary. Those 30+ don't even have to be in one particular area.
Feb 2, 2014
Brenda " ...for those out there with an Ed.S. degree, was it worth it? I'd make more money, but then I think the extra money would be spent paying for my degree (in addition to my current student loan). Any advice, suggestions and thoughts?" In my opinion, it is absolutely worth it. There are some other reasons to get the EdS besides the salary increase, ...See More
Feb 12, 2014

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