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I am a non tenured teacher that is not being offered a >contract for next year. I am being encouraged to resign. >What are the pros and cons of resigning over being non- >renewed?

I've always hated districts that do this. Basically there aren't many pros for you. A big "con" is that this could mess up unemployment benefits for you, though I've heard some are winning this after a lengthy appeals process. However, technically if you resign, you're quitting voluntarily and not eligible for unemployment checks.

This also clears the way if you're in a "shortage" field (not many of those anymore), and they want to hire someone who is not fully or properly certified. Technically they couldn't get you an emergency credential if you were willing to work the job, but that's a non-issue if you resign.

The only pro is that you can then check the no box when a district asks "have you ever been terminated by a district." However, there almost always is a box righ...See More

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