1. As student achievement and a greater understanding of curriculum have become more relevant, what are some ways you have found to apply curriculum to previous knowledge? 2. Technology seems to be the way in which education is steering itself. Some believe that technology can lead the way and eventually produce better schools, while others believe that there may be long-term consequences that are not being considered in the rush to use technology. What are your thoughts on this issue? 3. NCLB states that the equitable distribution clause requires states to take steps to “ensure that poor and minority children are not taught at higher rates as other children by inexperienced, unqualified, or out-of-field teachers.” What are you beliefs on this subject and why? 4. How do you view the NCLB act? What is your opinion on the matter? 5. In your years of experience do you feel that your teaching philosophy has helped or harmed your classroom? Have you had to change it? 6. How do you talk to a parent who may not agree with you as a teacher? 7. What steps do you take in the classroom to implement NCLB while obtaining Higher Order Thinking levels for those students? 8. How does your overall school mission coincide with your classroom philosophy that addresses a safe learning environment? 9. How do the styles/ methods you use today differ from those that you used when you first begin teaching, what brought about the change? 10. In your opinion what should the desired outcome (socially, economically, and politically) of the teacher be when teaching students?