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I am the Assessment Coordinator for our District. We usually spread the MAP testing in grades 3rd-6th out over two weeks taking one or maybe two sessions a day. I teach kindergarten so I do not give the MAP test, but I make the schedule. The state recommends that you only give 1 session a day. My teachers feel the kids would do better to NOT stretch it out over 2 weeks. They would rather give a session in the AM and one in the PM in one week. I am wondering what other districts are going and if you have seen any trends in results?? Thanks!!
It is give and take... I apologize that no one has responded to your query in four weeks. It may be one of the most important issues that a test coordinator has to address.

Over the years our school given the MAP in several different formats. If one session is administered per day, and the MAP is stretched over three weeks, the students and instructors are not ...See More
Jun 2, 2009
Robin The reason for testing in the morning is when the students are fresh. Some of the fourth grade testing this year took two hours. Other parts where done in 45 minutes. Testing the third week in May wouldn't work for our school because that's generally when we are done with the school year in rural Missouri. This year, we tested in late March, which ...See More
Jun 9, 2009
Addie/mo We take only one session per day. I only have 3rd grade as a tested grade in my building. Last year we gave the math test one week, skipped a week and then gave the comm arts test the third week of our district testing window. We also move session 2 in CA to the last session, because it is completely different from any other part of the test and wo...See More
Nov 24, 2009

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