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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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I just graduated from Mississippi State and have interviewed with a couple of schools and sent apps out everywhere. I haven't gotten a job yet....I am stressed out and thought about doing something different. The only problem is teaching comes natural and its really what i want to do but It's july now and still no word from the schools. Do I just need to call the schools, what do I do?
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fatcoach if you are willing to move, i'm sure there are jobs in shortage areas.......

good luck!!!!!!

On 7/04/08, Relle wrote: > I just graduated from Mississippi State and have interviewed > with a couple of schools and sent apps out everywhere. I > haven't gotten a job yet....I am stressed out and thought > about doing someth...See More
Jul 6, 2008
bitchin babs On 7/04/08, Relle wrote: > I just graduated from Mississippi State and have interviewed > with a couple of schools and sent apps out everywhere. I > haven't gotten a job yet....I am stressed out and thought > about doing something different. The only problem is > teaching comes natural and its really what i want to do but > It's j...See More
Jul 7, 2008
~hedge~ If you're willing to move, check out the article posted below. Jackson needs 175 teachers ASAP.

What's your major/area?

Jul 16, 2008
Skylark2869 This is July 29. Did you get a job?

On 7/04/08, Relle wrote: > I just graduated from Mississippi State and have interviewed > with a couple of schools and sent apps out everywhere. I > haven't gotten a job yet....I am stressed out and thought > about doing something different. The only problem is > teaching comes natural an...See More
Jul 29, 2008
NorthMS In most cases, teaching jobs, like most state jobs, are purely political. When a job opens, turn in your application and resume, then contact the local state or federal law maker and any other highly influentual person in that area and have them recommend you. This is almost a sure fire way to get the job.

On 7/04/08, Relle wrote: > I j...See More
Aug 27, 2008

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