MT Teachers
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    Dear Teachers,

    If you teach students in grades 4-9, we invite you to
    participate in a special pilot study for a federally funded
    research project, the e-Learning for Educators Initiative.

    The Technology and Assessment Study Collaborative (inTASC)
    at Boston College is conducting a pilot study t...See More

    Every teacher is entitled to a duty-free lunch and
    planning and preparation time. Except for a few minor
    changes made in the 1995 rewrite of the Texas Education
    Code, the statutes have essentially remained the same.

    Duty-free lunch – Texas Education Code, Sec. 21.405
    By law, each classroom teacher ...See More

    The United States Institute of Peace announces the National
    Peace Essay Contest for students in grades 9-12. For the
    2006-07 contest, student's essay must examine the issue of
    youth and violent conflicts. First-place winners from each
    state receive $1,000 college scholarships and compete for
    national awards o...See More

    My name is Becky Mallatt and I am from Oregon. I am
    organzing a 50 state quilt block exchange and I have all
    but 10 of the states ready to go. Montana is one that I
    don't have yet. I know this is a long shot, but I came
    upon your this chatboard, so I thought maybe I could send
    you the info and maybe one ...See More

    The International Student Film Festival is accepting
    submissions for the 2007 competition. Deadline for entries
    is May 31, 2007. You can be any age to participate but must
    be a student when the film/video was produced.

    Visit [link removed]

    Good luck to all student filmmakers and film instructors...See More

    I heard that the Billings public school system got a big
    salary hike- is that true?? If so, what is the starting
    salary now?? Also, did the rest of MT get raises, too??

    If you are planning on leaving Montana to come to Nevada,
    check out Teachers4Change...... You need to get the facts
    regarding the Silver State before you come here......


    Hello All,

    Just wondering if any teacher in the great state of
    Montana is interested in joining a postcard exchange. If
    not maybe you know a teacher who might be. Email me and
    I'll send you all the details.
    [email removed]

    We only need 5 more states and, Montana, you're one of
    them! :) Please join us!

    I'm a teacher from NYC helping to organize a postcard
    exchange. We are sending and receiving
    postcards from all over the USA. I'm not sure if you're
    familiar but here's how it works:
    You have to purchase 50 postcards...See More

    All he does is post the same garbage over and over,
    clogging the Texas chatboard.

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