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I have been looking for an Art Teacher position for almost a year now, I hold a CEAS K-12 in Art.

It was suggested to me to take the Praxis P-3 to obtain a CE to make me more desirable to a district. I do not know if I should go for it or not. First with a CE I then put myself in a position to take grad courses in P-3 ed courses if I in fact get a position. Then I think I would love to teach however, I love teaching Art, which is what I really want to do. Then I think a foot in a district is great. Then I think there are so many people looking for a teaching position K-5 who hold a CEAS in K-5 why in the world would I get the job over them? Any opinions? Suggestions? What would make me more marketable or desireable over the hundreds of other applicants?


CTJS I was in a similar position that I was looking for a specialist position as a computer teacher. I had a standard certificate in mathematics which was a K-12 certificate. However, one district told me that they would not consider me for an elementary position unless I had the elementary certification. Once I got the elementary certification in addit...See More
Mar 30, 2012

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