SC Teachers
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I'm looking at moving to the Charleston area. I'm looking at Charleston or Dorchester 2 School Districts. Does anyone have any inside advice about these 2 districts? Is it easy to get hired with them? I plan on attending their job fairs, is this the best way to get hired? Are there any other districts nearby that I should look into?

Catherine Hello my name is Catherine, I am a recent graduate from Nebraska looking to teach elementary school in South Carolina. It has been tough, I have been applying and have yet to hear back. I know Brentwood has schools that are hiring but I have also heard that is not the best place in town. Please, please let me know if you have any luck.

Th...See More
yesterday, 2015
technomage On 2/04/15, Catherine wrote: > Hello my name is Catherine, I am a recent graduate from > Nebraska looking to teach elementary school in South > Carolina. It has been tough, I have been applying and > have yet to hear back. I know Brentwood has schools > that are hiring but I have also heard that is not the best > place in town. Pl...See More
Jan 1, 2016

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