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Opinion: NO Cost WAy to Improve Education by Brianna Sprick

If you follow the recent news about education, you might think providing children with a quality education is all about money. There are stories about massive budget cuts and teachers' salaries, studies about the efficacy of charter schools and per-student-spending, and revolts over the increasing amount of private dollars that are supporting education.

But in the midst of number-crunching, everyone has forgotten about one of the most cost-effective resources available: parents.

Engaging parents in schools is free; it just requires a receptive environment and structures in place to support the partnerships. And as any teacher will tell you, it works.

To cite just one example from my own experience, I had a student who was perpetually tardy. After talking to the mother, she decided to spend a day escorting him from class to class, making sure he got to each on time. He was rarely late after...See More

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