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It wouldn't let me comment for some reason, Raven I was answering your question. I received travel orders on Thursday and began making arrangements to fly, as I was looking over my orders I noticed my arrival date to base had passed. The transportation area at your closest base is who you work with to fly, told me they can not book me a flight for my travel orders because they were expired. So I guess they had been sitting on them for almost 2 weeks, now I was promised I would have new ones no later than Monday the 17th, (but I've heard that before 2 weeks ago) and that I could fly out as soon as the end of that week. It all depends on your arrival to post date and that is how they will schedule your flight and they will ask you what day you want to fly. It has now been a total of 2 months of waiting for travel orders and everything to be cleared. Hopefully I will have them Monday and be able to fly our next week. I will keep you all posted.

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