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Made another referral list! Exciting! Now I'm just playing the waiting game to see if I make it to the interview round this time.
haha It's an interesting time. Once the first Semester (late January) is completed, HR will generally not authorize stateside hiring and schools will try and get by with local long term subs.
Dec 14, 2018
Just Me What is hiring looking like this coming year? Are they going to be hiring many new teachers?
Dec 14, 2018
Jello76 @Haha, do you mean for positions to finish the year?
Dec 14, 2018
Icanread Jello76, yes, he's referring to HR not authorizing stateside hires to finish out this school year. The hiring for the upcoming school year usually starts in March and runs through the summer. There has been a lot of discussion about next year. There are some schools closing and at least one program that has been cut as of the end of this school yea...See More
Dec 14, 2018
haha Yes, generally once we start the 2nd semester (in any year, for the most part), it's harder to convince HR that a stateside hire is needed for the rest of the current school year. It does happen but more often the people that come in during the 2nd Semester from stateside were actually hired during the 1st Semester and it just took a while to get p...See More
Dec 14, 2018

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