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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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I am curious how extensive this section of the application should be. Is this where I list all the committees I have been on, all the certifications I have received? I don't want to miss anything.

Job-related training courses (give title and year). Job-related skills (other languages, computer software/hardware, tools, machinery, typing speed, etc. Job-related certificates and licenses (current only). Job-related honors, awards, and special accomplishments (publications, memberships in professional/honor societies, leadership activities, public speaking, and performance awards.) Give dates, but do not send documents unless requested.
haha As little or as much as you would like basically. It makes sense to put anything in there you want prospective principals to know, but also realize that it may or may not get read and/or be searchable. Some people just go ahead and treat it as chance to post their CV/resume.
Feb 25, 2020
Missamy Thank you @haha. I had a similar question. I posted my resume in the documents section under "other." I thought it was weird to not ask for a resume.
Feb 25, 2020
Missamy Thank you @haha. I had a similar question. I posted my resume in the documents section under "other." I thought it was weird to not ask for a resume.
Feb 25, 2020

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