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With the new change that civilians have to go off base for all medical in Japan. How difficult has it been for those of you in Japan? Do they turn away Americans often? What about emergency situations?

Also, is it possible to get a home about 2000 square feet in Japan or Okinawa?
haha Well, at the moment, that is not the policy for all civilians throughout all of Japan. The implementation of that end result policy is in different stages in different locations. Some care in some locations is still available, and may continue to be, depending on things progress/workout. Services within the community will also vary widely by locati...See More
Nov 16, 2022
Icanread There is a Facebook group called "Japan Civilian Medical Advocacy" that is a good resource for medical.

In Okinawa, you might be able to find a 2000 square foot home. In mainland, it will be harder to find one that big. We were lucky to find one that is 1500 square feet.

On another note, lots of places in Okinawa allow pets. Tha...See More
Nov 18, 2022

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