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For those of you hired, do you remember how many of your references were contacted before the tentative offer was made? Also, is the email form sent from HR to them "standard", or are phone calls more common.

Thank you
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Liv_hopeful I've had an offer but they didn't let you know how many references they've checked. I would assume that they would check the reference form that your reference filled out. Then email them. None of my references told me that they had a phone call.
Dec 24, 2022
SocialStudiesLivinginJapan Thank you for the feedback. Had my interview in November, and my references checked exactly one month later, and nothing since. Is it possible to get a tentative offer after 2 months? Have you heard of something like this in your experience? Thank you
Dec 27, 2022
haha Yeah, I didn't answer about references because I honestly never heard anything that indicated whether any of my references were actually contacted when I was hired (some could have been but I was not really in touch with any of them and my hiring principal didn't mention one way or the other).

As for an offer coming this late, it is not un...See More
Dec 31, 2022
Icanread I don't think any of my references were contacted for the position I currently hold. Prior to that, I do think the hiring admin contacted at least a couple of my references.
Jan 4, 2023
lma324 Zero of mine were contacted.
Feb 15, 2023

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