Accelerated Reader
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Can someone please tell me how to find the group that allows teachers to share tests they make? This is my first time teaching at an intermediate school (grades 5-6), and the teacher who retired in December left me a lot of notes about how to use the AR program. (I can't get to a training until summer.)

She mentioned that she gets tests online for free from Charlotte's Archive, and she mentioned this site, too. I have had no luck finding the first one, and I can't find anything about it on here either. I only find a pay site called Edu-Web and a free site called AR4MiddleSchool. None of the other teachers know about the site. The teacher who retired got their tests for them, and she hasn't replied to my email yet.

I did find an older post here about free test-sharing sites. However, it referenced an older thread that is no longer visible, and I can't seem to find a way to get to the older posts. I tried emailing the person who seemed to have the information, but I o...See More
innocent bystander Charlotte's Archive is part of the Accererated Reading discussion group at Yahoo! Groups. It's a test bank.

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However, the only way to get to the group is by direct admission by the group owner. You can only contact her by [email removed].

The middle school site is here.

[link removed]

You ...See More
Jan 8, 2010

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