Accelerated Reader
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Financially we will likely have to make cuts in our spending in the next year. That means a move from a private school where my 5 year old has enjoyed and advanced with accelerated reader to our public school. The principal of our local public school K-3rd says Accerated Reader is not developmentally appropriate for her students. 1. I don't understand this statement. Can anyone explain. 2. Do I have any "available to the public options" for continuing AR? Thanks!
Tyler On 2/18/10, Natasha Y. Nation wrote: > Financially we will likely have to make cuts in our > spending in the next year. That means a move from a > private school where my 5 year old has enjoyed and advanced > with accelerated reader to our public school. The > principal of our local public school K-3rd says Accerated > Reader is n...See More
Feb 19, 2010
trying to help Book Adventure is similar and free, not quite as good since not as many book quizes if I remember correctly. I used it for a few years a number of years ago before we got AR at our school.
Feb 23, 2010

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