Accelerated Reader
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My son attended 1st grade at one school and he loved AR. He had 144 points in first grade. He wasn't a great reader at the very beginning of 1st grade and his STAR report showed a tremendous jump from where he started to where he finished.

This year in second grade, he is going to a new school. They don't use the point system, but they go by how many books the children read. They get to move their car around the track once they have completed a book. It starts over every 9 weeks. So far this year, he has 170 points but children with 40 points for the year pass him on the track.

He doesn't mind when he gets passed on the track, but he is frustrated that no one even his teacher doesn't understand how hard he has worked. He has only mentioned that it bothers him a couple of times, but I can tell it really does. The other night when he said mom, when I saw my points today, I almost cried. So I said why, and he said I set a goal for myself to outdo my points from first gr...See More
Ima Teacher If they are using numbers of books and not points that are individualized to the student's reading level, it is being used incorrectly.

Every time I say this, I get blasted, but here goes . . . training is essential.
Mar 28, 2010
Lisa On 3/28/10, Ima Teacher wrote: > If they are using numbers of books and not points that are > individualized to the student's reading level, it is being > used incorrectly. > > Every time I say this, I get blasted, but here goes . . . > training is essential.

You really should not get blasted. Each child if assessed at t...See More
Mar 28, 2010
John First thing I'd offer to you is that you start a rewards based system at home. So, if he meets this goal, he gets supper of his choice, or go out to eat, or taken to a movie, local entertainment center, etc. A student should not be point invested or total books read incentive. Reading is the incentive. Sure, he/she can play the system and read a to...See More
Mar 29, 2010
Patty I don't care what the training says, I think that both the points system and the book count are flawed ways of measuring total reading. A child gets .5 oints for reading a 200 word 1.5 level book, and the same point value for a 2,000 word 4.5 level picture book. Ridiculous. I use the word count and their only reward is that they get to bring their ...See More
Apr 5, 2010

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