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I am about to pay $25,000 (tuition only) for a Master in Math Education degree at DePaul Univeristy-Chicago. I was always told that Math was a high need, and by being male, I could secure a teaching position fairly easily. The more I hear lately, that is not the case. DePaul says that yes, I'll find a job, but maybe not exactly where I want, but I will find something fairly easily.

Since I don't have my hand on the teaching pulse since student teaching, does anyone else out there know? My goal is to work for CPS in a high need area (Southside of Chicago), those are the kids that I like to work with and can really have an impact. It's also where I student taught and subbed. I loved it! I had no classroom management issues, only thing was that I need to let go of some control, I was too strict. I subbed at some of the worst schools in the city, and I had no issues. So, I'm not worried about that, I'm worried if I can find a job after spending all this money. Thank you very much!...See More
Desiree Roffers Math is a high needs position. However, Depaul is pretty expensive. I am completing a second graduate level certification online at Western Governors University for much cheaper. The program is really rigorous and has a great reputation. They also have a math education program. Check it out at [link removed]!
Oct 14, 2009
Chicago Just an update - It's all relative. - Chicago's problems make everything a big maybe. They're thinking to lay off thousands, but of course it's grandstanding. Will surely lay off some. - 'High needs', when there's 6-10 colleges in the area churning out teachers that all need jobs?....Last test I was at had about 600 people taking it, all asking eac...See More
Apr 11, 2010

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